She should already know how much more popular she is than Celestia anyway. ‘Cause there’s no way she hasn’t walked into at least a few hundred wet dreams about herself.
No worries Lunlun dear. I mean, what social/politically significant figure hasn’t attempted magnicide at least once in their lifetime? It’s practically tradition
Like the old saying goes “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” Some days, I love my family, and other days, I sometimes wonder if there wasn’t a mix-up in the hospital on the day I was born.
@Background Pony #B306
Mate, she tried to kill her, that’s kind of an accepted fact. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, Sunbutt had it coming, hail Nightmare Moon.
‘Cause there’s no way she hasn’t walked into at least a few hundred wet dreams about herself.
“Destroy” is the kid friendly word for “kill”.
One of the definitions of destroy is “to defeat (someone) utterly”
They probably just haven’t yet learned the meaning of the word “destroy”. :T
four step plan
1.Become Nightmare Moon
2.Remove Celestia from power
4.Only one Princess
No murder needed. =)
It’s a kids show primarily. There would be no killing even if Nightmare “won”.
There would be some sort of imprisonment which would allow for a later rescue and comeback of “good”…
Mate, she tried to kill her, that’s kind of an accepted fact. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, Sunbutt had it coming, hail Nightmare Moon.
If Celestia abdicated, she would stop being a princess. Then there would be only one.
No death is needed.
Okay then.
@Midday Shine
Online definition seems to say it applies for both.
What part of “there can only be one princess” you don’t get?
Huh. I thought “fratricide” referred only to murdering one’s brother, while killing a sister was called “sororicide”.
At least your sister wasn’t mad about you shooting moon lasers at her
Ahh those were the days… Brother and sister rivalry.
Now a days it’s more…civilised.
We just try to “out-savage” each other. Haha!
Zalgo text