Four Tet
((Yeah, I was meaning to make a back story for that. You’re right about Fluttershy having to swim thee rest of the way to the island, but she had a bit of help getting there: a school of sharks ‘influenced’ to help her get there. And why would she be surrounded by sharks in the first place? Because the captain of the personal ship she hitched a ride on was freaking out, seeing these haunted spirits surrounding him. He though that by tossing the poor mare into the ocean, the curse would be lifted, but…well, that’s a mystery for later time.))
“That’s never a good sign…” Fluttershy replied. “Mr. Gerry, sir…‘r going to need your help tonight.” She looked still and calm on the outside, but Dana and Dash could see her feathers shaking nervously…and hr hands clutched in fists. On any given day sh as in for a scar of hr life, Fluttershy would be the first to take flight instead of fight. On this night, however, after listening to Gerry’s story, sh had to stay…lives were now at stake and the on responsible may very well be inviting them to take their on lives next.
“We need someone who can keep an eye on everything behind the scenes and make sure we don’t end up as Mr. Price’s next victims…if it is him.” Fluttershy quietly took a hold of Dash’s hand once she was close enough to reach it, as sh could sense the tension within her. Dash as scared for her life, and so as she, but no sense in not comforting each other in such times as this. “We’d do it ourselves, but…it’s only just the four of us and the rest of the girls couldn’t make it.”
“I sure wish there was a way to call them here, though.” she quietly thought to herself. “Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie…we could really us your help!”
((Yeah, I was meaning to make a back story for that. You’re right about Fluttershy having to swim thee rest of the way to the island, but she had a bit of help getting there: a school of sharks ‘influenced’ to help her get there. And why would she be surrounded by sharks in the first place? Because the captain of the personal ship she hitched a ride on was freaking out, seeing these haunted spirits surrounding him. He though that by tossing the poor mare into the ocean, the curse would be lifted, but…well, that’s a mystery for later time.))
“That’s never a good sign…” Fluttershy replied. “Mr. Gerry, sir…‘r going to need your help tonight.” She looked still and calm on the outside, but Dana and Dash could see her feathers shaking nervously…and hr hands clutched in fists. On any given day sh as in for a scar of hr life, Fluttershy would be the first to take flight instead of fight. On this night, however, after listening to Gerry’s story, sh had to stay…lives were now at stake and the on responsible may very well be inviting them to take their on lives next.
“We need someone who can keep an eye on everything behind the scenes and make sure we don’t end up as Mr. Price’s next victims…if it is him.” Fluttershy quietly took a hold of Dash’s hand once she was close enough to reach it, as sh could sense the tension within her. Dash as scared for her life, and so as she, but no sense in not comforting each other in such times as this. “We’d do it ourselves, but…it’s only just the four of us and the rest of the girls couldn’t make it.”
“I sure wish there was a way to call them here, though.” she quietly thought to herself. “Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie…we could really us your help!”