Okay, so since the season is over, I feel like posting my top 5 episodes of season 6? Why, you ask? Because I personally feel like there are a lot of episodes this season that are some of their best and that this season isn’t as bad as some people say.
5. Stranger than fan fiction
Man, was this episode a lot of fun. It was basically a satire of brony conventions and certain brony attitudes towards the show. But the best part of the episode is Patton oswalt. Over the spring of this year, Patton oswalt’s wife past away. It was very sad and I can’t imagine experiencing such excruciating heartbreak. With so, there is something so satisfying to see Patton star in his daughter’s favorite TV show after the passing of her mother. On top of that, Patton’s just funny. He’s so great when it comes to playing snot-nosed, know-it-all fanboys. Overall, great episode.
4. Gauntlet of fire
There’s not much to say about this episode. I just like tsunderes. Moving on.
3. To where and back again parts 1 and 2
These episodes are two fantastic episodes and makes what I feel is a satisfying conclusion to season 6. Originally, I was going to put The Times They Are A Changeling as my third favorite episode, but I decided against that for a couple of reasons. First, the song at the end of the episode, while good, comes out of nowhere. Second, and this is the biggest reason why I put To Where and Back Again as number 3, Trixie. Trixie is the best secondary character ever produced in any form of media ever. She is just so awesome and cute and I just want to hug her for ages. With so, a lot of the reason why these episodes are so great is because of trixie and discord’s interactions and trixie’s character progression. Trixie, who originally started as bragging about her powerful nature and her being all-around great, has now been reduced to an illusionist, someone who isn’t all that great when it comes to magic. And honestly, that’s for the better. Her lack of magic capabilities makes her more relatable and sympathetic, as she has to deal with ridicule and being ostracized. Another reason these episodes are great are for the little reasons. First, to see a villian turn down friendship is so satisfying and it can lead to many more episodes with the villian. It can also lead to an episode where Starlight doubts her redemption-making capabilities, something which her pupil, Twilight Sparkle, is very good at. Second, and this again has to do with Trixie, is Trixie distracting the changelings by herself. When it was just the three of them, Starlight, Thorax, and Trixie, they knew the changelings were trying to pretend they were Discord. With so, Trixie decided that she would follow changeling Discord. You know why? So Starlight and Thorax can not get captured. TRIXIE SINGLE-HANDEDLY TRIED TO TAKE ON ALL THE CHANGELINGS. HOLY FUCK, SHE IS AWESOME.
2. No second Prances
Okay, so now we get to the final two episodes, the two episodes of season 6 that are among my top 10 favorite episodes of MLP of all time. And, even though I will admit that the next episode is better, No Seccond Prances is personally my favorite episode of MLP of all time. I mean, you had Starlight, who is trying to make friends and has social anxiety, as later shown in Every Little Thing She Does, befriend Trixie, whose motives are rather ambiguous. This is great for numerous reasons. First, Starlight in a lot of ways is a lot like Trixie, as both used to be bad and both struggle with people. Second, and perhaps most importantly, it gives Twilight a motivation and justifies her actions in the episode. Twilight, essentially, is worried about Starlight befriending Trixie because if it turns out that Starlight has bad judgment in making friends, then she would feel that she is unfit to be a princess. I mean, this is Twilight we are talking about. Why would she not worry? It is in character for Twilight to be worried about something to the point she overreacts, since a similar thing happened in episodes like Lesson Zero and It’s About Time. As for Trixie, holy crap. I absolutely adore what they did with Trixie in the episode. Here’s a character who’s very antagonistic and arrogant and, in addition, can be very mean. However, in this episode, after realizing how much Starlight actually means to her as a friend, it was proven that she wanted to remain friends with Starlight for one reason and one reason only: because she finally found someone to love her. Trixie, for her whole entire existence, has never had a friend before. Never in her whole life. When she finally found out that Starlight forgave her, that smile Trixie gave was like if a whole lot of weight had been lifted off of her chest. And you know why? Because she’s lonely. She was really, really scared she was going to lose Starlight, the first friend that she had ever made. Overall, even though I know I’m Rambling, I really feel like this episode is criminally underrated, and should serve as a templete for how to do episodes where former baddies turn good.
- The Saddle Sow Review
This is an absolutely brilliant episode. It is very funny, very witty, and the jokes just keep on coming and coming. It reminded me of a mix between Modern Family and early Family Guy what with the use of a mockumentary styling and there being many jokes sprinkled throughout. Overall, even though it doesn’t have the gravitas that no second prances had, it is still one funny, hilarious episode.