The Crystalling - 8.0
The Gift of Maud Pie - 9.0
On Your Marks - 6.7
Gauntlet of Fire - 8.1
No Second Prances - 8.5
Newbie Dash - 9.0
A Hearth’s Warming Tale - 8.3
The Saddle Row Review - 9.6
Applejack’s Day Off - 7.8
Flutter Brutter - 8.5
Spice Up Your Life - 7.5
Stranger Than Fan Fiction - 8.0
The Cart Before The Ponies - 8.2
28 Pranks Later - 8.4
The Times Are-a-Changeling - 8.1
1 - The Crystal Ponies’s behavior reminds me of
Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues. Anyway, don’t they have any way to test for disguised changelings, if they are so paranoid?
2 - I guess changelings cannot detect mental defects on their eggs, only physical.
3 - Wonder how normal changelings feed themselves without breaking their disguise if Thorax managed to lose control over his form that easily. unless he is disabled and that is a part of his disability.
4 - Is it just me or the outcome is somewhat similar to “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”?
5 - I could have given it a higher rating if it wasn’t for the song.