Happy Earth Day everyone!!! :D (Big Grin) Earth Needs Some Love I love the earth + Earth Hour Hug the Earth
Today is the day we cherish this beautiful world we live in and all of life she provides home. May you all enjoy this wonderful time, and remember to love and care for the world and all of its plants and animals.
After 5 years, I decided to make another Earth Day pic. Since there were so many characters in the show who are involved with animals, plants, and nature all together, I thought I would do a project featuring them: Fluttershy, Tree Hugger, Zecora, Dr. Fauna, Sandbar, Mane Allgood, and Snap Shutter. I also threw in a symbol of the planet the MLP:FIM World exists in. I spent the week making vectors of Dr. Fauna and Tree Hugger since I didn’t have them. I was intent on making this project made completely made by me, but the background I had in mind - Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary - didn’t seem to work, and I had very little time to make a new background, so I had to choose another background. So much for being totally original. Maybe at some point I’ll upgrade this with one made by me this time. Until then, here are our guardians of nature.
I thought about including the Deer of Everfree, but since I never made vectors of them and the little time I had, and I think there’s no space to squeeze them in, I decided to just focus on the show characters instead. Sorry about that. If I’m missing any other in-show characters involved with animals, plants, and nature, inform me and I’ll see if I can include them.
Background by :iconmlp-vector-collabs:
I hope you love this. And remember, care for the earth, it is our home.