Sorry, but Sparity just has a lot of issues with it - race difference, not a big deal in Equestria but much creepier in the human world; age difference, as I really doubt Rarity’s into younger men; and Spike’s somewhat white-knight tendancies, which would need to be toned down in a major way for him to be in a working relationship.
Seriously, I hope at some point they introduce a female dragon to mitigate the issue entirely; even if it’s just friendship in canon, it would present a better alternative for Spike shipping.
Background Pony #D948
@Swashbucklist @Trahzo  
M.A. Larson made Sparity canon in Season 2, and that’s all that matters.
@Background Pony #D33D  
The closest to her exact words I can recall is, “He’s a child, she’s an adult. It’s inappropriate” in a “come awwwwwn, guuuuuys” tone of voice.
Background Pony #105C
Background Pony #105C
what did she say?
@Background Pony #D33D  
Yeah, didn’t she just state the difference in age from that Facebook post?
Background Pony #105C
also megan didn’t say sparity never going to happen
Background Pony #105C
did fluttercord replace sparity
I wouldn’t be surprised if he does try to pull a smooth one on AJ in the movie.
@Background Pony #EAE0  
While you are right I think they just wrote their selves in a corner by trying to deny a Spike/Rarity subtext, but in doing so they confirmed their was something to be denied.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Lost in thought
Welp, guess it’s back to the ice cream for Rarity.
Background Pony #E399
I think I smell Jealousy
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Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Silver Bit -
Ruby -
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Planeswalker — FoME
“I’ve always admired the work ethic of farmers.”
Hmm. Doesn’t sound nearly as racist that way.
Every pony has fans - Derpi Supporter
Silver Bit -
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Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
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Silver Supporter -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The Tastiest
I’m guessing Trend runs a fashion blog, and Rarity is his biggest fan.
Background Pony #44AE
Well unfortunately I can’t edit comments, but now for fear of starting a debate or something (which isn’t what I was trying to do, had enough of those) I’m gonna preemptively peace out of these comments for good I think.
And since I didn’t say so before awesome artwork here.
Background Pony #44AE
@Background Pony #6497  
Even if they were the Equestrian versions though, the fact that the show/movie producers made all the EG universe counterparts to the pony characters human, but made Spike a dog and not a human too, says something about how they consider him relative to the girls… he’s just not on the same level they are. If Spike (the dragon) was meant to be a real contender for (pony) Rarity romantically, they would have made that clear in EG by aging him up some and definitely made him human, not a pet animal. It was their chance to convey indirectly that maybe Spike isn’t so different and too young for Rarity or whatever, but instead of doing that, they went the other way and drew an even bigger line between them, making it even more clear they’re on completely different levels. It makes it clear the ship walks the line of not only adult/minor which the writers have already expressed discomfort with and said they won’t touch with Spike/Rarity as a result, but also an inappropriate species line.
I’m sorry. I’ve tried to see where people are coming from with this one and find a way to justify it so it’s not decidedly creepy and wrong by threatening to hit multiple taboos (and apologies if I came off sounding rude or harsh in my first comment), but.. ehh… I just can’t manage to wrap my head around it and understand. :/
Background Pony #B6E6
Background Pony #C28E
@Background Pony #6497
But it’s clearly EQG Rarity. This is an EQG picture and pony Rarity has never been through the mirror so from a purely canon perspective, no it isn’t pony Rarity. Considering that there’s a Crystal Prep uniform on show, you can also say that this takes place around the friendship games and that involves no mirror at all from what we’ve seen, so you can say that isn’t even dragon Spike.
Sure, it’s well within your rights to think what you think, but turning this into some kind of partial Sparity picture is pretty stupid. Shipping goggles can only take you so far.
Background Pony #B6E6
@Background Pony #EAE0  
No, he’s a dragon IN a dog’s body, big difference. Also, I choose to believe that the Rarity who’s holding Spike in the picture is pony Rarity not the human version of her, so that would mean she’s a pony IN a human girl’s body. So I see nothing wrong with that, as long as they’re still who they are on the inside and that’s all that really matters.
Background Pony #44AE
@Background Pony #6497
He’s a freaking dog… seriously what the heck is wrong with you people?
Background Pony #B6E6
trust me Rare, you’re better off without him… and besides, you already got a real man in your arms ;3
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

The Narn Bat Squad has a way of sticking out.
Background Pony #FF51
@Background Pony #8E26  
Okey, a few questions:  
Would you go out with him if your best friend had a crush on him?  
Would you date him if you obviously didn’t like him? Last but not least:  
would you date him if you were going to compete in a school competition and risk many probably hating you, for dating a guy on the enemys team?
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations
Happy Derpy! -

Zo then I zays to her, ‘Niiize zider…’
Well, that zertainly wazn’t zomething I ever expected I’d have cauze to remember.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
It’d be great if someone just brained the fucker with a bottle right there. At least Suri and Blueblood actually performed their roles as assholes. Trenderhoof was just a damned creep, the bastard, and I’m not even sure if he was even supposed to be an unlikable jackass.