And then she woke up to find she had wet the bed again.
She let out a sigh of disappointment, she, a grown alicorn mare had done what even the CMC... well, at least_*two_* of the CMC had long since grown out of.
She must have been having night sweats as well, even up to her neck the covers felt hot and sticky... really sticky... so sticky she couldn't move?
Starting to panic and thrash she realised it was no blanket but a thick layer of hot similar-melted cheese! HER BED WAS ACTUALLY QUESADILLA AND WAS EATING HER AND AHHHHHHH!!!
She woke up again...
She let out a sigh of disappointment, she, a grown alicorn mare had done what even the CMC... well, at least
She must have been having night sweats as well, even up to her neck the covers felt hot and sticky... really sticky... so sticky she couldn't move?
Starting to panic and thrash she realised it was no blanket but a thick layer of hot simi
She woke up again...