This is my opinion on Celestia summed up in a nutshell. What bugs me is that so few other people think the same way and just go with how Celestia’s acting in the episode and take it as all there is to her.
I would also very much like to see Celestia kicking rump and taking names, but there’s not really any way to do that other than in flashback without stealing the focus both from the main characters and from the subtitle of the show itself; she’s not really set up to Friendship someone to death the way the Mane Six are, and look at how much metaphorical blood gets spilled in the comment sections any time something as chaste and tame as Discord giving her flowers gets mentioned. And we have seen her being the badass everyone talks about her as being, in flashbacks. I wish they would show us some more of that, because a principality that’s existed for thousands of years with literally the same leader(s) has probably faced a crisis or two in between DiscoSombraMoon and Celestia telling Twilight to stop reading dusty old books and Twilight somehow not immediately assuming she’d been replaced by a robot or a Changeling.
This is my opinion on Celestia summed up in a nutshell. What bugs me is that so few other people think the same way and just go with how Celestia’s acting in the episode and take it as all there is to her.