Background Pony #813D
9 years late and all...but alicorns have all the pony races combined Earth Ponies included and Earth ponies are naturally physically beefier. And even before that as a unicorn Twilight could still carry Tom into her house.
She might not be physically stronger than AJ but I'm afraid that punch would indeed hurt. Heck even without Earth pony magic Twilight still seems to be gaining a bit of bulk after becoming an alicorn.
9 years late and all...but alicorns have all the pony races combined Earth Ponies included and Earth ponies are naturally physically beefier. And even before that as a unicorn Twilight could still carry Tom into her house.
She might not be physically stronger than AJ but I'm afraid that punch would indeed hurt. Heck even without Earth pony magic Twilight still seems to be gaining a bit of bulk after becoming an alicorn.