@Background Pony #EC4D
It’s easy go to any pic on Derpibooru, then below the image’s tags, and source there should be a few links, click on the one that says “embed this image.”
Then copy the image code listed under “Thumbnailed Textile • for Derpibooru image comments • for external comments.” Then you can use the code for the image to post an image on Derpi with a link included in the comments like this.
Alot of people here don’t know you can do that, in fact, I didn’t for a long time either.
Same here
It’s easy go to any pic on Derpibooru, then below the image’s tags, and source there should be a few links, click on the one that says “embed this image.”
Then copy the image code listed under “Thumbnailed Textile • for Derpibooru image comments • for external comments.” Then you can use the code for the image to post an image on Derpi with a link included in the comments like this.
Alot of people here don’t know you can do that, in fact, I didn’t for a long time either.
How do you make thumbnails link to pic? It didn’t work for me.