Ugh, it is so not fine. I’m not really “tolerant” enough to chalk it all up to personal taste like you do. It’s just plain grody altogether.
@Millennial Dan
And I’ll gladly say that you have the right to voice your opinion however you may wish. Everyone has their own fetishes that they like and dislike.
I just find it rather chuckle worthy that the backlash for this picture is actually rather large, especially considering that this picture is by far one of the more tame incest pictures I’ve seen on here, including the displayed pairing. My opinion on it is that as long as they don’t have children – more or less to avoid the problem of the child developing a genetic defect – it’s fine.
Like I said earlier, this is pretty tame as far as incest goes. I would like to also point out that this is the only picture so far under the “Shiningvelvet” tag that is “safe”.