You know, it’s funny that despite many pictures oh ponies and religion or SJWs, I don’t think I’ve ever down voted. Maybe once; I Dv’d something, but I honestly don’t remember.
Lets all calm down here, if you guys down vote, it better not be because it’s a pic of a Muslim, that’s like insulting a German because of what the Nazis did. And wearing a hijab is requires a commitment, but is your choice, it shows the person is stronger than other girls, they don’t fall under slavery to fashion on desire for sexual attraction. In my opinion, girls who wear hijabs are the strongest girls cause they are independent. If you have to argue, please don’t, I’m tired of fighting, just love and tolerate.
@And Brother I Hurt People
Probably not, but it still bugs me. A lot of these women are very beautiful, and I feel it’s a shame that they cover themselves like that.
I don’t understand why these feminists draw human pony characters in the most sexist and misogynistic religion. Just a google search reveals this. Women don’t wear Hijabs over their head because of the sun or anything, it’s because Muslim religion forces them too because showing anything more then their eyes is being overly sexual, not to mention not being able to go anywhere without a male escort.
Uploads the worst humanizations he can find (preferably with a token minority and super diverse casts), and then goes and incites drama in the comments. This sorta causes the few good ones he finds to be downvoted as well.
Meph, why do you upload images you downvote? And why is it always the same names in the downvote list that practically blitz to these images before they even render?