I don’t know how it wasn’t until the second or third time reading this comic through in character that we finally realized that the first speech bubble is actually being said by Celestia and not Sombra.
@Background Pony #B797
By contrast, I have a fanfic idea in my head where he finds another way to go between worlds and obsessively attempts to reunite with Celestia… Whether she wants to or not.
It depends on the headcannon of the individual. For the fic I’m writing; after absorbing the princess’ evil, Sombra went into self-imposed exile while in his absence, his allies (Trixie , Discord, Derpy, and Chrysalis) along with the reformed Celestia and Luna formed a provisional council to rebuild the kingdom while they search for him. Of course, the citizenry aren’t so quick to trust Celestia and Luna so they’ve been placed under house arrest at Canterlot Castle. Also, Trixie in mirror Equestria was the former apprentice to Sombra which led to her being appointed as acting head of state.
If he can be purified in this world, I’m pretty sure he will be. Formerly Evil Celestia and Luna have a shaky claim on the throne (with how they were forces of evil until about thirty minutes ago), while King Sombra has thousands of years of defense of goodness to his name; the people would want him back even if the Royal Sisters didn’t care (and I’m sure they would care, too).
@Background Pony #A124
I suspect his plan would have a simpler goal: Force the Celestia of his world and the Celestia that once loved him to swap places.
I was thinking more like he’d attempt to take advantage of Celestia during her period of grief and despair, either to corrupt her or even possess her.
@Background Pony #A124
So, he’d be that villain that doesn’t kill anyone, but opts to either beat them within an inch of their life or torture them to the point where they go deaf by their own screaming?
I wouldn’t go that far. The ending seems to suggest that Alternate Sombra was so noble that even though he had absorbed a huge amount of dark magic he was twisted but not broken. In my headcannon, he’s going to be the dark and tortured anti-hero of his world whereas Prime Universe Sombra would only be affected to the point that he lost his animalistic nature, regaining his full intellect and making him even more dangerous.
When I read the story I thought about Two-Face as well. The thing is, I’d expect it to apply more to Celestia then Mirror Sombra. Think about it, how much suffering and sacrifice can one mare take before she finally snaps?
nightmare moon was luna corrupted by the nightmare force, after she let it into her own body. basically opened the door and was barreled over. she is guilty of her actions but she has long since been punished.
nightmare rarity, however, is a different scenario. nightmare moon was still luna and sought what luna sought, albeit in a dark, corruptive twist of it. Nightmare rarity was little more than the will of the nightmare forces itself taking over her body. had some of her personality yet was not her and was not driven by her designs as nightmare moon was over luna’s.