Background Pony #43A1
@Starlight Storm
“ I believe you just like to hate everything, but at the same time you love to do so.”
Sorry, I couldn’t breath for a few minutes. My sides were simply bursting at the seems after hearing you of all people, YOU, Starlight Storm, accuse someone else of that.
Dude you are INFAMOUS for bashing some of the comics and other stuff for some of the most INANE reasons possible! Sometimes with outright ignoring all valid counter-arguments by others. Didn’t you witlessly bash the Mane 6 for not stopping mere castle illusions in the comics?!
I don’t want to come off as rude but…dude! Self-awareness!! Learn it! 0_0
Starlight Storm

The breezies… Redeem themselves? For what? For the conflict that was fixed in that same episode? For being stablished they travel from their pocket dimension into Equestria every year (or season, don’t recall correctly), fir what exactly do they have to redeem themselves?  
Also, so far with McCarthy we’ve seen the swamps of New Horseleans, the Edge (or Border) of Equestria, the mention of Saddle Arabia, The Frozen North, and many other places. I believe you just like to hate everything, but at the same time you love to do so.
Duck - Niggoslav_Kwaczyk
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Drinky_Butt
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Starlight Storm I feel she’s equally as wasteful as Cook, it just manifests in less obvious ways. Also she seems to hate actually making a big thriving vibrant world, when she’s forced to make new things happen, they’re cut off entirely from the main canon by magical doohickeys. Equestria Girls is enough of an unholy abomination for that to get a pass, but what about the breezies? Yes, the episode was crap, but through no fault of the poor breezies thsemselves. But now their whole culture and way of life is revealed to be wholly unconnected to Equestria whatsoever, through a mirror portal that functioned like EqG’s. They’ll probably never be seen again, or given a chance to redeem themselves.
@CronoM Yea, I tend to suggest extreme things because I’ve simply seen this too often, where the ‘head’ of a show, be they producer or creator, are just so full of themselves they refuse to see when they’re killing their baby. It just happens way too often in long-running series. For example, I brought up Hasbro stealing Greg Weismann long ago after EqG when everyone was calling for her head, not just me. Greg’s plans for season 5 of Gargoyles, after two amazing sounding seasons is to butcher the show with turning it into a ridiculous space opera battle series after an alien invasion by a hive-mind. It’s clear that, with the amount of control Disney was giving him, this would have been ruinous, so I’m kind of glad for the battle between him and Buena Vista that resulted in his leaving, whatever the cause. Now we have two great seasons and one middling-to-what-the-fuck season. Still a very good run for a show, and it’s remembered fondly by all, even some of the ‘bad’ post-leaving episodes, like the one where Hudson and the blind guy kick ass in a hospital in a scene right out of a John Woo film.
HOWEVER had he stayed on, it’s very likely the show would have been forever marred by the ‘space spawn’ arc and people would have forgotten the great things about the show, only remembering the wasted potential and how blandly generic the ‘action scenes’ and ‘villains’ were. The legacy of the show would have been completely destroyed forever by that fifth season. This is kind of why I fear Meghan’s unwillingness to step aside, and how SAYS played out, both behind the scenes and what we got. It sounded like neither of them should have been involved in it.  
Hasbro I think, would be much harsher than Disney, because this would be a literal flagship line, not a experimental genre they’d never done before. They would curtail his more megalomaniacal theme ideas the way Lucas was curtailed by Fox Studios.  
She’s basically running against the theme of the show in order to take Hasbro commandments and blockade them away from the canon, rather than incorporate them and make them recurring staples as a good runner might.
Starlight Storm

@Background Pony #B7B0  
Character Growth? Luna learning to learn from the past and move on in the Nightmare Rarity’s arc is Character Growth. Twilight learning that friendship is worth fighting for in Season 2 is Character Growth.  
Celestia causing a paradox between two dimensions, losing contact with her OWN sister and evading responsabilities is not Character Growth, but the opposite. Yes, I like to see Celestia as a not perfect princess, but I preffer a perfect goddess over an irresponsible on the throne.
And what bad writing do you speak of?! Fluttershy facing her fears, BUT not getting rid of them instantly? Applejack and Fluttershy arguing over what to do with the Fruitbats, both with understandable and perfectly justified bases? Pinkie Pie wondering if it’a actually her goal in life to make others happy? Sorry, but I don’t see bad writing here.
I just came from seeing How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Really amazing movie, reminded me of how much I love shows like FiM or Digimon), and I was surprised when I realized they handes a subplot also present in this comic in a really much better way.  
In both Reflections and HTTYD, the main character is going to become a leader, but feels like they won’t be able to handled out the pressure and the responsabilities of being a leader. How they learn to accept their roles? In the movie, Hiccup unfortunately gets in a situation he was warned of, but felt very cofident could handle, and it leads to tragedy. Realizing his mistakes and still afraid of not being a good leader like his father, he accepts his role because he knows that despite his fears and pressure, it’s still his duty and will try to do the best for his friends and his town.  
In this comic? Twilight accepts her duties as princess because she is like “Oh, so Celestia is actually a screw up! There is nothing I can fear then.”  
And before you critize the movie, please let me tell you this: You are not a critic, and neither am I. But I have an opinion, and I would respect yours if you please stop saying one thing is better than the other. The comics are good in their own way, and the show is good in its own way. Like the Nostalgia Critic once said… Kinda differently: “Can’t we all agree G3 sucked?
Background Pony #43A1
@Starlight Storm  
Too many things piss you off and you don’t even address other people’s arguments completely due to that extremely rash hatred you ENJOY holding onto. You generalized every single relatable emotion she had here as ‘full shipper on deck’, instead of focusing on her character growth through her strengths and her flaws.
You are too one-sided on this. Drama in the past does not excuse bad writing in the present show’s main arcs. There is only one reason why you didn’t reply to my later comments….it was easier for you to reply to my earlier comment with less explanation cause you wanted to fight.
Starlight Storm

@Background Pony #B7B0  
And about the IDW hater thing… No. I’m not an IDW hater. I’m a Price/Cook hater, ok? Ad even If I hate them guts I must recognize they did an amazing job with Rarity’s micro and Big Mac’s arc. The fact they made Fleetfoot one of my fave characters thanks to that comic is what makes me more angry that they went full shipper on deck and ruined both Celestia and this arc.
Starlight Storm

@Background Pony #B7B0  
Maybe I was too harsh in using the term “Faustfag”. But it truly pisses me off all the hatred Meghan Mccarthy receives. Maybe it’s wrong to generalize, but I think too much drama in the past has left a little bit of a mark.
Background Pony #43A1
@Starlight Storm  
I retract my last statement. There’s a difference between hasty and just plain assholery. After hearing THAT SECOND comment, I’m okay with not talking to you ever.
That much all caps rage and spewing terms like ‘Faustfag’? I can’t take a single thing you ever say seriously.

@Starlight Storm  
this, i’m with you bro
Background Pony #43A1
  1. A little late to the party, aren’t ya? I’ve already made several more detailed comments with some ammendments.
  2. I just said Nightmare Rarity Arc was better then Reflections!! Sorry I forgot the ‘is’ in ‘The Nightmarity Arc is even better’, but I clearly did not say “Its even better then the Nightmarity Arc”
  3. Did I miss something? Wasn’t the point that she WAS a teenager by immortal standards in terms of romance experiance 1000 years ago? Since when was she supposed to be unflawed since birth?
  4. What duties? Spreading harmony across Equestria is exactly what all 7 have been doing since S1.
  5. An awesome fight for her… friends? What? Don’t you remember, it was an awesome but OOC fight for avenging her home! She gave up her magic for her friends….in fact…Tirek never had any reason to blow up Twilight in the first place. He had the hostages already thanks to Celestia telling Twilight to keep the other 6 in the dark.
  6. Starlight Storm, your raving and looking at old comments to argue with, ending your rage filled arguments with ‘BITE ME’. You are so notoriously a rabid IDW hater recently, you have become notorious on this site for your IDW hate and coming up with a lot of ridiculous arguments for it along with a few good arguments.
    In other words, I cannot take you seriously on anything you say about the comics right now. Take a week off any discussion to clear your head. You are on-edge and making hasty comments.
Starlight Storm

Do I smell a Faustfag? Because that’s te kind of arguments a Faustfag does.  
So far the only “deceptional” arc in the series was the Equestria Games, BUT IT WASN’T DAVE POLSKY OR MEGHAN MCCARTHY’S FAULT! In any case, blame Corey Powell and Rainbow Falls who condemned the Equestria Games to either fail by repeating storylines or relaying on sport narrations and was saved by giving an ACTUALLY MORE INTERESTING STORY!  
Also, STOP THE SEASON 3 AND EQUESTRIA GIRLS HATE!!! I mean, this arc didn’t had any kind of surprises, let a lot of opportunities just go away, and instead focused on a bland, “tragic” love. I mean, EVEN EQUESTRIA GIRLS DECIDED TO NOT GIVE ANY FOCUS TO THE LITTLE CRUSH SUBPLOT IT WAS BARELY A SUBPLOT!!!  
Seriously… Stop hating Meghan. Season 4 has shown that she knows what she is doing, and she wants to go into risky territory for the better. If you don’t like it, fine! The comics are ok too. Just please don’t ever dare to say a storyline that craps on continuity, gives zero fucks about their audience expectations and feels more contrived than a bad fanfiction is better than stories that at the very least try.
Starlight Storm

@Background Pony  
What?! This arc, which regresed Celestia into a dumb teenager in love who almost condemns her kingdom because of her booty calls, is better than the arc devoted to Luna’s Dark Deeds returning to haunt her again, where both her and Rarity had to face their worse fears, were manipulated with them, and thanks to her friends care and forgiveness they get the strenght to fight back, and where Spike of all underrated characters shows how much he could do for both his friends, his “almost sister” Twilight and of course the mare of his dreams?!
Also… This comic which wasted a whole  
lot of potential, and gave us nothing of what it promised, was better than The Crystal Empire, which despite the flaws still delivered what was expected, and even better than the Season 4 Finale, where Twilight learns her duties as a princess, has an awesome fight for her friends, shows how much she has matured and grown up by forgiving the one guy she once hated before knowing he was just as flawed as anyone else?  

I agree.

Horrendous theoretical car crashes aside, unless she really is being arm-pulled by Hasbro behind her back and she is simply putting up a fake smile (I sincerely doubt even she thought the gaudy castle was a good idea), I agree Meghan really does need to step away from MLP.
The thing is, the comics only barely flies in the face of previously established Celestia and Luna. Why do I say this? For Celestia, people’s headcanon’s of Celestia are wide and varied because we have only a little to go on with her personality on a casual level. We see her relax a little bit, but she’s always formal or semi-formal. When she awoke from her bed seeing Tirek and we saw her eyes was one of the few times we saw Celestia on a personal level.
Luna in the few episodes we’ve seen her is trying to act like the perfectly formal princess due to the fact she feels she isn’t worthy of being forgiven yet. The Nightmarity Arc finally allows her closure from her allies, friends and family, as well as facing her evil half herself. Once that was dealt with, she could handle being more casual while trying to improve on her flaws.
One of the only hints we got with her IN-show fully casual personality was this line
Sorry, but that sounds quite a bit like IDW Luna. So no, as a person who cares about the characters a lot, I don’t see how there is any heresy or betrayal in the way they are written in the comics.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Keep the comics coming and give us a sequel to Reflections. Then we can see more of the parallel characters that did not appear in the first arc.
By doing that, then we can learn more about Cadence and Shining Armor’s parallel selves along with those of everypony else, including Vinyl, Octavia, Dr. Whooves, etc.
Duck - Niggoslav_Kwaczyk
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Drinky_Butt
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@CronoM Yeah but so much of that Celestia flies in the face of previously-established Celestia and Luna. That’s the non-comic people’s biggest problem with it. Gotta give you the show is slightly declining with each season character-wise of late, but yanno, it had an incredible start so I’m not willing to abandon that just yet. I am going to wait for either RenFaust’s return to right it, or Meghan’s car crash. Either one would work.  
I actually think based on HWE and Wonderbolt Merri would run it better, it’s just that as a writer she kind of writes very simple plots that require a lot of terrible Spengbab-level filler jokes with no point to reach the end. But I think as far as building the world goes she does a decent job of things, also has more years in ‘tha bizz’ so would be harder for Hasbro to push around with bad ideas.
Background Pony #43A1
“Cadence keeps Sombra out for weeks without rest. Shining Armor delays Sombra so the Mane Six can even make it to the Empire. Spike jolts Twilight out of her fear trap, then saves the Crystal Empire. Also, epic wife toss.”
So Twilight’s brother, Twilight’s sister-in-law, and Twilight’s assistant. Any of the Other Five Main Characters?
You just proved my point.
“Entire first half of episode devoted to returning rest of Mane Six to sanity.”
Which means at most, only 1/4th of the episode is them actually mentally participating in something. The rest is them either doing nothing or being brainwashed by Celestia’s cursed spellbook. (I say Celestia’s since DHX asked IDW to retcon that part about Starswirled being too ambitious and not understanding friendship)
Any of the other 6 actually doing something? Any of the other 6 recognized for their heroic acts or their knowledge on friendship?
You just proved my point.
“Zecora supplies exposition potion. Applejack’s overprotectiveness countermanded by Discord’s needling. Rest of Mane Six rescue Twilight from spore-belching vines.”
The main antagonist was simply plants. Zecora’s potions have never needed unicorn magic before, let alone Alioorn magic. Why would they? It would make more sense if Discord showed all 6 of them the visions. Completely altering Applejack’s character values does not fall within any semblence of good writing or suspension of disbelief. They only needed to save Twilight cause all 6 of them got conveniantly retarded and got separated cause saw Twilight differently, even though Cadense’s existence as 3rd princess threw all their reasons for treating her differently in the gutter.
They did something against plants only after being OOC and retarded. Gave up after 2 tries to free the tree….Yay?
“Discord’s character arc.”
If you could suspend your disbelief that a) Discord wasn’t already settled with staying Chaotic Neutral in the first place since his re-release and b) that Discord’s IQ points conveniantly dropped 80 degrees…so much so he forgot to tell the guy he ‘honestly trusted’ about either the box he already set up to defeat Tirek. c) Why would he even do Celestia’s bidding anyway? He doesn’t owe Celestia anything enough to do something personally, and Celestia has zero reason to trust Discord d) Luna’s the princess of the night, it would of taken her merely 10 minutes more then Discord to find the frail Tirek and incarcerate him. Tirek wouldn’t of even gotten a hundred miles close to Fluttershy had they done that.
Any of the other Six Main Characters do anything?
You just proved my point.
And as for the Second part of your argument, I agree with all of it. Are Twilight or Celestia ever called out on this idiocy and endangerment? No, they are praised as perfect.
I never said Twilight actually WAS perfect….I said ‘One Direction’ Perfect Princess Twilight cause all the praise given to her on how she was perfect was forced and completely artificial.
That would be the bad writing at work. :/
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Evidently. Unless evil Cadance is resolved in an un-uploaded page.
@Background Pony #B7B0  
“The finale’s and premier of S3 and S4 are of such a low standard they forget all the other characters besides Twilight even exist.”  
• Crystal Empire: Cadence keeps Sombra out for weeks without rest. Shining Armor delays Sombra so the Mane Six can even make it to the Empire. Spike jolts Twilight out of her fear trap, then saves the Crystal Empire. Also, epic wife toss.  
• Magical Mystery Cure: Entire first half of episode devoted to returning rest of Mane Six to sanity.  
• Princess Twilight Sparkle: Zecora supplies exposition potion. Applejack’s overprotectiveness countermanded by Discord’s needling. Rest of Mane Six rescue Twilight from spore-belching vines.  
• Twilight’s Kingdom: Discord’s character arc.
“…the rest was all artificial and One Direction Twilight Is Perfect Princess-esque.”  
• Crystal Empire: Twilight doesn’t realize the Crystal Heart is anything more than an ornament, then nearly dooms the Empire by insisting on following Celestia’s instructions to the letter.  
• Magical Mystery Cure: Twilight ruins her friends’ lives and is rewarded for it.  
• Princess Twilight Sparkle: Twilight panics at the prospect of responsibility, almost dooms all of Equestria by going back to Ponyville, and can’t even stop aforementioned sporespewers.  
• Twilight’s Kingdom: Discord has to all but spoon-feed Twilight the key revelation, and Pinkie and Boneless have to show her how it works. Were it not for Scorpan’s amulet pulling her ass out of the fire, Twilight’s capitulation would’ve doomed all of Equestria. Again.
I hope that’s sufficient counterargument. :)
@Background Pony #4894  
Yes, how dare they include the balance of good and evil in a fantasy series?

True, but there was only so many people they could cram into one story arc. If I know IDW, they won’t abandon this dimension, they are just giving us a reprieve. With an evil Sombra with interdimensional magic, there is a large possibility of the problems coming over to their side.
Comparing the IMMENSE character growth IDW are capable of giving Twilight and the others when compared to McCarthy’s regressive work, I’m more then willing to wait. These comics are great so I say keep em coming. :)
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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I’ll agree with you there, but I would’ve liked to see more of the parallel characters as well.
Heck, we barely got to see anything of Cadence and Shining Armor, both ours and the parallel versions of them, in the entire arc except for when they saw the merge happen.
@Jimmy Lethal  
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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You have a good point there.
Background Pony #67A8
@Background Pony #B7B0  
More like, “I disagree with you but realize how hopeless it is to discuss the show online anymore.”
Jimmy Lethal

I guess you can call her “Celesti-Ra.”

I think the “easily transferable evil-ness” was the only really big weakpoint of this arc. Everything else was great. :)
I don’t see it really as worthy of scorn like DHX’s take on the 4-part Princess Twilight storyline, and here are the reasons.
  1. The two evil princesses were supposed to be a big threat but not a grand threat. We aren’t talking NIGHTMARE Celestia level threat, (that kind of idea is better saved for a separate bigger storyline) just the coin flipped from good to evil.
    These were weak-hearted but seriously dangerous threats to everyone. And our Celestia was serious (and so full of self-loathing for her understandable but regretable actions) that she was willing to go full power and blast the living daylights out of her alternate even if it killed herself.
  2. This ‘evil-banishing’ was done in the very first episode, but for Luna it really WAS a ‘good strong heart falling into darkness’. In the Nightmarity Arc, Luna admitted she lied that the Nightmare forces and Nightmare Moon existed before her…she admitted they were all from her own negative emotions, just like King Piccolo as a dbz analogy…
    You can’t simply ‘do away’ with evil, it WILL come back if not confronted with directly by someone strong-willed. In this case, Sombra is becoming the danger by those corrupted with dark magic, because he is the only missing factor in their world. On the one hand, both dimensions can be mostly at peace. On the other hand, we now have an Evil Sombra on our hands with interdimensional magic. He will likely become a terror eventually for both worlds, but for right now, both can have a temporary reprieve.
    It was a good story that explored a lot about the characters we DON’T get much in-show development from…Celestia, Luna and Twilight. (Twilight minus Celestia’s will I mean) For example, IDW Twilight does NOT believe what Celestia said about the other 6 and Celestia being all her students about friendship, and that’s extremely good character development. Heck we even get to see a very likable interpretation of Starswirled that doesn’t come off as a write-off jerk like MMC did with him. Instead of turning the princesses into perfect Queen Serenity’s and Sailor Moons, it defined their problems and issues that might have to compromise certain expectations in the future. It didn’t put them ABOVE their friends of equal worth. It had its hiccups, but between all the good I hardly noticed. SO many things were refreshing to see and watch.
    Overall, a really great story.

@Background Pony #4894  
Well, evil being completely wiped off the map is an unrealistic scenario even in non-eastern mystic teachings. At least in this case, an evil unicorn king is reborn for both universes instead of two recklessly evil Celestial Alicorns messing up one universe almost completely.