Given the “Adorable”, “Adorable as Fuck”, “Cute”, “Cute as Fuck”, and other additional heart attack rending tags, it shouldn’t be surprising that this gif completely destroys me.
Just imagine it. A quite night during a light rainstorm. For whatever reason, Princess Celestia wants a story to calm her nerves. Of course, Twilight is there by her side, tome in hoof chock-full of stories that she remembers loving from her fillyhood.
She cracks open the book and starts on an old one, a story Celestia has likely heard a thousand times, but the Princess doesn’t protest a single bit. After all, she’s not only tired, but it’s her student reading her to sleep. It’s a magical moment needing no magic whatsoever.
Twilight reads and reads, a tale of a mighty pony pitted against insurmountable odds that they nonetheless defeat. Glory, fame, peace, love; the classic fairy tale ending where good overcomes every great evil.
Celestia, lost in her student’s voice, drifts off to sleep embraced by the soft caress of her bedsheets and pillows; a smile upon her face.
I could see that happening. Besides, if Twilight’s really young in this gif, like filly age or younger, she’d probably think about her brother in cadet school along those same lines; way more badass than usual and with all sorts of fancy swordplay scenes so he can show-off said badassery.
She seems like the kind of girl that would really look up to her brother as a role model and influence, you know?