They make these shorts because this is the form that the target audience likes the most, I’d guess. They don’t watch many TV series, make of that what you will.
I love how she points out that she named them AFTER she list several of their names.
Also… right now, I really, REALLY wish that these shorts were all there was to Rainbow Rocks, because as much as I legitimately liked the first film despite its flaws, I still can’t help but wonder why they felt this was necessary. Shorts are fine, and could potentially lead to a spinoff TV series (which I honestly wouldn’t mind, as long as it didn’t replace ponies or affect production of ponies… Wow, that didn’t come out right at all). It’s just… do we really need another non-pony movie?
…How much do you wanna bet that at this year’s Comic Con they’ll throw a bombshell at us with a proper pony movie that’s already almost complete, as a total surprise?
…Wait, for that to completely work, they’d have to prevent any and all leaks from getting out, and we all know how impossible THAT is these days…