If you look at evil Luna’s cutie mark, it is a red moon, which occurs naturally during a Lunar eclipse. As a counterpart for evil Celly’s solar eclipse mark.
I just said that I don’t think that it’s made out of normal strands of hair. Magically transmuted into solid light, or something of that ilk. Their manes don’t act like hair, even hair that’s being blown, so I don’t think that it’s normal hair. Simple.
We’ve seen how the animators handle normal hair when it’s moving, and it isn’t like that.
In Luna Eclipsed, a pony was able to grab Luna’s mane, proving that they’re actual physical objects. I assume that their hair just normally floats in the air due to the magic coursing through them. Or they got a professional fan squad constantly blowing on them offscreen.
Anyway, I’m fucking PUMPED for this story arc. The writer said in an interview that this story is going to focus on Celestia, so it’s nice to finally see best pony getting her dues.
And Evilestia vs Goodlestia is going to be fucking orgasmic.
……. because it makes more sense than them being bald? that and the other alicorns do not have energy hair either.
like i said, it is animated by energy and it gives it was ethereal apperance. we never see it as a still.
@Background Pony #FAC9
No. The colors are continually shifting relative to outline. That doesn’t really work with strands of hair.
We’ve also seen her sister’s mane, and that certainly isn’t made of strands of hair. Why assume that Celestia has actual strands with no evidence or implication of it?
Obviously, their manes are magic, but why would we assume that they are made of normal hair when they aren’t animated like hair?
maybe the hair DOES look like normal hair, but it is animated by the amounts of magic energy inside. since we never see strands of hair in the flash animation, it oculd be a fair explanation.