Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E8F0 on image #581217

Background Pony #E8F0
**Suddenly, Sunset was magically knocked aside by Celestia and the real Luna showed up alongside her*

Twilight: Wait? What is going on now? CAN MY MIND STOP MAKING ME EVEN MORE INSANE!?

Celestia: It's okay, Twilight, you haven't gone insane!

Twilight: Um...excuse me?

*Twilight's friends show up behind them*

Applejack: We've all been tricked the whole time!

Rainbow Dash: Sunset's been manipulating you via a spell ever since you went insane that one time!

Rarity: It's true, she's been in this realm for a while, waiting for the right opportunity to take your element from you! She, along with her Changeling co-horts created this whole event in order to make you lose your will and discredit you in the eyes of the princesses!

Twilight: But then...what about-

Shining: Us, sis?"

*Cadance shows up next to him*

Twilight: SHINING! **Runs up to them and hugs** I thought I was going insane...

Cadance: It's okay, Twilight, we're here for you.

Shining: We'll never let this happen again, Twily...I swear it...

Sunset: **Now over where Changeling Cadance and Shining are** Well well...hate to be a bummer on your parade but this ends now...Chrysalis! Deal with these rabble!

*The Changelings drop their disguises*

Chrysalis: Gladly...

(There we go, problem sorted :P)
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Edited by Background Pony #E8F0