Never played the PS2 game myself, however tactics I did beat (even though it was a bitch to get through) and while I know it isn’t considered totally cannon, I still like its story.
I think he was talking about the PlayStation 2 game Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, not Fallout: Tactics, as both confusingly enough go by the same name.
Yeah I wish you could target eyes in vats. overall I don’t have a problem with it.
Also, I liked tactics. Sure the writing and voice acting wasn’t very good, it was wildly un-canon, and didn’t have any of the charm of the actual games, but it was fun and the art direction was solid, and I likes some of the concepts. It just wasn’t a very intelligent game.
I’ll be honest, the only change that really bothered of the transition to 3D was VATS, and not because of the system itself, but because you can’t target specific body parts anymore.
At least we can all agree that Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel sucks.
Casidy yelling “Nothing wrong with you a critical in the eyes won’t cure” in combat was especially funny to be because I used that tactic on deathclaws all the time in FO1. Also they had low intelligence dialogue options in Fallout 3, just not as many. Having NPCs treat you like a fucking moron when you are one is a time honored Fallout Tradition. It was hilarious that you can meet Torr in Klamath and have a normal conversation with him.
“Bugmen take moo-moos at night. Torr scared! Hep Torr? (Well, as I said, they are nocturnal in their feeding habits. I sure could use some assistance in guarding the brahmin. Will you kill any bugmen that you see near the brahmin?)”
Those games were funny as hell, it really added to them.
What I miss most is the fourth wall breaks, like the Fallout 2 guide at the end of the game and that encounter where you needed 9 intelligence and perception and the guy calls you a moron and the Chosen One goes “Moron? I’ll let you know I worked really hard to get the required 9 intelligence and perception required for this.”
But, hey, New Vegas brought back the stupid dialogue options when your intelligence is low, so that’s cool.
It’s really too bad they didn’t take Psykers farther in the fallout universe. They were a cool concept and there was even a perk based around resisting psychic abilities in FO1. You had the little callback in New Vegas with the forecaster wearing a nullifier and that was pretty much it.
Also they were batshit crazy and had awesome dialogue. Hell, all of the dialogue in the first two games was awesome. Like, does anyone remember Dane? The insane follower from the top floor of the cathedral?
“I like Mister Handy! I want to have sex with his cute little hands.”
“Gunpowder is intelligent and evil and controls your brain! The more gunpowder that’s near you, the crazier you become! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!”
“It’s all a game, you see. A game, and I’m one of the pieces. And a kid got real angry, and so he started stepping on me. Step and step and step and step, and finally I just broke!”
As much as I adore the new games there’s a certain something from the old ones that didn’t carry over. I guess they had to rely more on well written dialogue to make up for lack of graphics.
Yeah. It’s not like there wasn’t plenty of other psychic-ish stuff. Aside from Trixie as the Master, the equivalent of holodisks were little crystal balls that store memories.
Well, yeah, but I never actually used speech until New Vegas due to the Charisma check for the previous games, so, for me, the self-destruct was the more awesome one.
Also, erasing your own memory seems unnecessarily complicated when she could of just used a psychic nullifier.
Given that the whole undertaking to off the Goddess (aka Trixie) required an elaborate setup, a hidden Megaspell (the FO:E equivalent to a warhead) and a chain of events including the protagonist erasing her own memories of the whole plan to prevent Trixie from finding it out by mind reading, I’d say it’s a bit cooler than just hacking the security systems and running away.
Besides, the best way to defeat the Master is to crush his dream and make him destroy himself.
Not… as cool as outsmarting The Cathedral’s security systems, but I guess that’s the closest thing to having something from Fallout in FO:E.
@Background Pony #BFDF
Trixie is The Master in FO:E?
Please tell she gets offed by the self-destruct mechanism at some point of the story. That was the most awesome part of Fallout.