You got a point, but in PYHD, Fluttershy was more of a push-over, in IAEBB, she was more of a too nice pony. I suppose there’s a difference between being a push-over and being too nice, but I don’t know how to say it.
Well, what I mean is Twilight pretty much activated a transformation of one party based on the characteristics of a second party when she hit both parties with a spell. In this episode the transformation was the end goal & was near complete, but in “Bats!” the transformation was an unintended side effect so it didn’t affect the party transforming as much as a spell with that intent would.
I think I understand how the spell works. The caster need a sample of the specific race, like a body shape, to affect the transformation. Or maybe I overthink too much.
I think it was an another spell, I dunno.