I see posts like that, and I wonder: have these people never been part of any fandom ever? Have they never gone online?
Yeah, there are problems in the MLP:FiM fandom, and we should strive to get rid of the bigots and troublemakers. But that litany of complaints can be applied to any large fandom, sadly, and pony fans are on the whole not on the worse end of the spectrum. Not by far.
From the tumblr: “my formal goodbye to this toxic fandom n___n
i’ve had it with your heteronormativity, transphobia, misogyny, white supremacy, and rape glorification. i’m done.”
Exactly. If she had even the slightest inkling of what it meant, rather than just seeing it on her word-a-day calendar and saying “that’s a perfect name for this manocentric fandom!”, she wouldn’t have used it at all.
I don’t know where these horribly racist, sexist, xenophobic, rape-happy, murderous man-monsters are that these SJW’s keep speaking of. I’ve searched this fandom high and low for them; they sound like a fun group of people to hang with on Saturdays. Unfortunately I’ve had no such luck. I’ve tracked down some trolls, noticed a few nut-balls, a handful of homophobes, a bigot or two, and one guy who thought he was the reformed reincarnation of King Sombra in our world (We did coffee at Jaqueline’s; he’s eccentric, but quite nice), but never have I found a single brony who even comes close to meeting this horrible visage these Tumblr users have conjured up.
I think we’ve made progress, I think. These days people accuse you of being heteronormative, instead of being a sexual deviant. It’s kind of a step forward in that direction, y’know?
That is, assuming that the people who use it even know what the word means.
Alright, don’t catch your 15-foot long tail in the door on the way out. Don’t take this the wrong way, but did you truly think anyone would honestly care if you left the fandom? In all honesty, I’ve never even heard of you.
@Battle GT
Heteronormativity is a word she got from Wikipedia that she is using to accuse us of believing that heterosexuality is the mandatory norm. In a fandom where like 80% of the ships are lesbian, and one that seems to contain a healthy mix of straight, gay, and bisexual (like myself) men and women. Wat.
I do love how people like Purple Tinker assume they are being harassed and/or insulted because they are transgendered, and not because they are genuinely rotten people who can’t keep their mouths shut and can’t help but crap all over anyone within range.
@Battle GT
The rules are simple, B-GT. Take me as an example:
having a girlfriend made me heteronormative, and now having a boyfriend makes me a misogynist who’s trying to marginalize and erase women.
The only way I could avoid being evil is if my boyfriend had a vagina, and so far he’s stubbornly refused to get one (further evidence of his trainsphobic misogyny!)
Good riddance I say. People like this shouldn’t even be a part of this fandom. There’s no goddamn BS like “White supremacy” or “Transphobia” going on here. Stupid drama Queen is all she is.
WTF? She thinks this fandom is “Heteronormative”? And did she say that this fandom is “White Supremist”? If this fandom really is “White Supremist”, then I wouldn’t be here. If anything, I see a high concentration of Homosexuals in this fandom.
The minute I read “heteronormativity, transphobia, misogyny, white supremacy, and rape glorification” I knew it was written by a sjw. Tumblr feminists love using those buzzwords when they rant about “cis brony scum!!1!” This makes one less sjw in the fanbase. Good riddance, I’d say.
It’s the “give me attention” Goodbye Forever on the image that ruins the image for me. The tail and noodle legs are stylistic choice, but that part actually just annoys the fuck out of me.