Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Drama King on image #520916

Drama King


Mare-Do-Well: "The nuke! Where’d you get it?!"
Mane-iac: "What? You want one? Copy-pony…"
Masked Matterhorn bursts through the wall, her expression of pure rage*
Matterhorn: "Get away from her!"
Mare-Do-Well--: "I'm handling this."
*Matterhorn throws the table aside and grabs Mane-iac, slamming her against the wall*
Matterhorn: "You drugged me! Made me—… Sunset... Nyx…"
Mane-iac: "First Klop-ton, now Maretropolis. Ponies you love tend to blow up, don’t they???"
Mare-Do-Well--: "Matterhorn, don't!!!"
*Matterhorn slams her hoof into the wall inches from Mane-iac’s head*
Mane-iac: "That’s why I like you, Matterhorn. You’re much more gullible than… hmph…"
*Mane-iac gives a nod to Mare-Do-Well; Matterhorn tosses Mane-iac against the opposite wall*
Mane-iac: "You think you can have a family… that locking me up will magically reform me… and they’ll be safe… So big, so dumb. Now, run along, so I can break out of here. I’ve got lots of planning to do to top this."
*Matterhorn grabs Mane-iac by the throat and lifts her off the ground*
Mare-Do-Well: "That’s enough!"
*Matterhorn tosses Mare-Do-Well back and turns back to Mane-iac*
Mane-iac: "I know it’s soon, but… think you’ll ever love again…? Maybe you won’t kill your next family…"
*Matterhorn rams her hoof through Mane-iac's chest in a fit of rage as Mare-Do-Well watches, horrified; Mane-iac lets out one final laugh before she is silenced forever*

"DISHARMONY: Gods Among Ponies"
Reason: .
Edited by Drama King