Did you miss the part where it was raining? Sure the speed may be the same as traveling by foot/wings, but they wouldn’t be soaked when they get to their destination(which of course is not a good thing considering Rarity was entering a contest)
@Background Pony #F7B7
Well that is almost over analyzing it.
I think this scene was just there to show that people will remember if someone did something good and generous for them and return the favor. In this case the cab-pony, which said thank you for fixing my wheel.
It kinda was the theme for the episode after all.
They could have done this by making the ponies in the line the ponies she helped in the song, and giving up their spot in the line. But that would maybe have been looked like a bit of a stretch.
Well the show itself does kinda put these expectations in our heads. I mean considering not only the way Twilight being an alicorn was handled in the season 3 finale but also that these ponies have saved the world on several occasions and participated in public events which seem to glorify said accomplishments and each has contributed to an event which should earn them recognition from the general populace outside of their respective fields.
I get that this kind of reaction is supposed to be more for comedy and that it really should not be a big deal but again I stress the show itself seems to go out of it’s way to show us that these particular ponies have done things which should have earned them at least some respect yet also expects it’s audience to just accept moments like these that really go against that idea.
Could you be more specific? The ‘Twilight should be able to teleport’ bit or the ‘Mane Six get no respect’ bit? Or perhaps the ‘There’s a freaking Alicorn Princess standing right there!’ bit?
@Mad Black
Trixie possibly teleported in that flower bouquet in Boast Busters. The alternative is she created edible organic matter out of nowhere, which seems pretty OP.
Also she did teleport around while using the amulet, but that doesn’t really count (other than showing that she at least knows the spell for it).
That’s right. You would think that defeating Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra would give a pony some recognition. But nah.
I would consider teleportation higher magic. Since practically nopony except Twilight have used it in the show itself. (I can’t remember Rarity or Trixie using it. I think Sunset Shimmer did in the movie.)
But Twilight is the magic-exception, who knows lots of spells and more than an average unicorn could master. And teleportation seems a lot more difficult to master than a simple levitation/telekinesis spell, which every unicorn seems to use.
I’m actually curious how effective teleportation is in their world.
Is it only useful for unicorns them selves? Can they teleport their friends or stuff like luggage with them?
If they want to teleport to some place, but there is a lot of people gathering around, could a teleport accident occur?
Also maybe teleporting to a place your not sure how to find could be risky.
You know what, magic sounds complicated and dangerous. Especially if you have a pony like Rarity who is prone to panicking…
@Mad Black
We’ll they might not want to walk/run under normal circumstances, but if it were urgent and you couldn’t wait for a cab, I see no good reason they couldn’t run.
If they can only transport where they’ve been or can see, could they just transport to the furthest point away they can see in the direction they need to go? That’d be near seeing them making 500 ft jumps over and over to their destination.
@Techy Pony
The cabs are really more like rickshaw.
Also more like that you just don’t have to run yourself to your destination.
If they are really faster than walking by themselves, I call it flinstoning.
I think it just makes little sense since the cab isn’t a car, but a pony pulling a cart with a pony in it. Unless these stallions are the fastest runners in equestria (even while pulling large loads), then I don’t see why you’d get a cab unless you just didn’t want to walk.
@Mad Black
This conflict scene was rather unnecessary, had they just transported it would’ve been fine, plus it’d be impressive…maybe the writers should’ve just done that.