"For the crime of reckless endangerment of pony lives, I sentence you to thirty months imprisonment in the Cloudsale Gaol."
"What? But Rainbow Das-h.."
"Your flight partner - who spoke on your behalf - did her best to save the ponies the two of you put in danger. You - the lead pony - did no such thing. Even now, you would rather blame others. I hope your time behind bars will give you a chance to to consider your own culpability in this matter. Bailiff, take her down! "
"What? But Rainbow Das
"Your flight partner - who spoke on your behalf - did her best to save the ponies the two of you put in danger. You - the lead pony - did no such thing. Even now, you would rather blame others. I hope your time behind bars will give you a chance to to consider your own culpability in this matter. Bailiff, take her down! "