Maybe so, but Rainbow Dash remembered the heartbreak all the way to adulthood. Does that sound like something that can be cured next year to you?
They should have the crystal ponies too mentally tortured to play in any of the games as a plotline in the episode. but lets face it, the writers aren’t THAT good
Did you see how heartbroken young Rainbow Dash was when Cloudsdale didn’t get host the games? Think of every poor little Cloudsdale colt and filly, who must be suffering heartbreak because of it.
How are they even prepared to host an event like this? They only just killed Sombra, don’t they have rebuilding to do, infrastructure to repair? If this is the show’s attempt at a story arc, it’s a really crappy one.
I am so sick and tired of the Crystal Empire and their stupid, entitled crystal ponies who don’t do anything to deserve the adoration that is thrown at their hooves. Cloudsdale should have gotten the games, but nooo, the stupid games inspector is easily swayed by hearsay.