Background Pony #F2D8
You. I like you.
Seriously all these crossovers are fucking stupid, we don’t need all these inane ‘pro-hooman’ fics to point out how terrible and out of character TCB is.
Hey Celestia about NO!  
Plus i’m not your average human cause i’m someone you don’t wanna mess with!
…and all these things are completely stupid.  
It’s better not to touch TCB at all. It should be just left to rot.
Background Pony #AC39
Jaegers are powerful mechas but they don’t stand a chance against alicorn magic, so xenolestia wins this time.
I’d love to see Xenolestia invade more universes where she and the ponies are hilariously outclassed. Like, “Conversion Bureau: Justice League.”  
Xenolestia tries to banish Superman to the Moon. He zips back to Earth like it ain’t no thang. Xenolestia tries to banish him to the core of the sun. He not only zips back to earth, but she just boosted his power level to godlike levels. He proceeds to put her down in an instant.  
The asshole versions of the Mane 6 decide to fire up the Elements of Harmony to defeat the League. But before they can even blink, the motherfucking Flash just swiped their necklaces and big crown thingy away. Oh, and then he annihilates Discord with an Infinite Mass Punch for good measure.
well, to clarify  
other than the Gipsy Danger part of hong kong and the news footage of Australia (which i don’t count as a fight scene) none of the fights in movie, the fights we are shown, are in the good guy’s favor. even in the end fight Gipsy gets thrashed right at the start.  
wouldn’t it have cool to see Cherno Alpha beat up some monsters?
im confused…you saying why the good guys didn’t have a scratch on them? Or ever fight they get trashed and lost lives.
Yeah makes you almost wonder how the hell they managed to hold out so long eh?  
Well they are building the massive fortifications on the shoreline and discontinuing the bots for a reason i guess.
my one big complaint about this otherwise great movie is mr. del Toro’s strange decision to have only one out 4-5 fights not end with either horrible defeat or almost complete loss of life and terrific damage to the robots.  
i mean i know what he was going for, but could he not have had at least one fight where the good guys came out completely on top? like a fight with the four robots beating back a couple of monsters before that other fight where they get their asses kicked?
I love that movie. Holy Shit…
I thought watching for the 4th time on my shitty 2007 projector+surround sound wouldn’t capture that magic or relive that high i had seeing it first time but damn felt my heart racing even i knew exactly what was going to happen.
Shame it did averagein Japan, people who saw it liked it but yeah people avoided it like the US.
otaku isn’t as popular as ‘nerd culture/geek is sheik’ here in the west
Background Pony #8743
@Background Pony  
I think its a response to chatoyance’s fics, where humans are directly stated to be inferior to ponies, who can do morally-questionable things that humans can’t since “tH3y R te Ma5T3r R@cE”.
Personally, I find the original’s only problem was to be badly-written.
@Background Pony  
Some people are misanthropes.  
Other people are nationalists, and want to find targets for AMERICAA FUCK YEEEA with minimum effort.  
And most people are fucking stupid.
Background Pony #F2D8
I have the perfect song for you OP!
Take your Conversion Bureau and kindly shove it up your ass.

And then Celly sent Twilight to the war and Flutters to try to reason with them…  
Different universe. Different magi-mechanics. Celestia will be at a great disadvantage, if not entirely powerless.
Most Jaegers fell to the Kaiju because they have severe weak points. For example, Crimson Typhoon’s connpod was too exposed, being a giant tube on a giant piston, which allowed Otachi to crush it with it’s tail-claw-thingy.
Background Pony #9D7B
Hey guys, remember when My Little Pony was about genocide and racism?
Background Pony #9DFC
Why do people keep turning the ponies into Nazis in an attempt to justify genocide? As far as I know, the original fanfic never implied that they were in any way actually responsible for humans being killed by the return of magic.
we need one of these were she tries to take over Marvel or DC verse Earths.
in fact, someone needs to make that a fanfic, pronto.
seeing from what we saw in the movie, she might be able to take them out. i mean, they broke pretty easily.
Nah no need to fight, just suppress the sun and refuse to engage. Unless humans want complete and utter destruction of their biosphere they’ll capitulate.
That does have an inherently lesser degree of mech fight goodness in it however.
One day she will run into a universe where everyone is magic resistant.

@Background Pony  
In yet another universe.
Background Pony #DAB3
Then she easily wipes out half the Jaegers to prove she’s not screwing around.