So I did these three designs for a contest (…), but I didn’t win so I’m selling them now!
Fluttershy x Discord: SapphireScarletta .
Cadence x Shining Armor: OPEN.
Princess Skystar x Pinkie Pie: SleepyDoodles .
AUCTION’S RULES Starting bid at 10
Minimum increase: 5
Autobuy: 500
Reply to the HIGHEST BIDDER’S comment, please
Auction ends 24 hours after last bid! ONCE THE PONY IS YOURS…
You can change the gender.
You can alter the design.
You can trade them, sell them or give them away (notify me the new owner if you do!)
Drawings, comics, fanfics, animations… Use them wherever you want! (You can breed them too!)
No refunds so, be careful when bidding.
You don’t have to credit me (or DragonaDeMetal) every time you use them, but it’s apreciated :3