Don’t get caught up in cynicism/pessimism/bitterness. While it’s good to balance everything in moderation, too much of it can poison one’s life.
I’ve been there. I’ve long chosen not to go back there again once I realized I let one thing I was cynical about cloud my view on everything. It’s a long story.
Instead, I choose to be calm and content. I can’t control what life throws at me, but I can choose how I want to react. I’m not trying to be deep, just honest. We choose what paths we want to walk.
Holy shit think of the celebration fanon Lyra would have had! (I hate fanon Lyra btw, I’d much rather her NOT be obsessed with humans. And for the most ridiculous reason too.)
I think the point is that for some folks, this is a big sticking point. For my one anti-alicorn/anti-EqD friend, he explained it like this: it means that if Twilight learned anything, he’d have to acknowledge that this other world exists and that this event happened. That bit of information becomes a fact. His mind just can’t let go of that.
He loves Equestria for what it is, and he takes this additional bit as an invasion of the world he fell in love with. He loves the anachronistic and fantastical world that Equestria is, and he loves the lore and everything about it. It is, as he says, a sort of perfect escape from our world as it is.
Equestria Girls has too many real-world elements for it to be much of a distraction at all. As my friend says, it ruins the fantasy for him.
When he explained it like that, I totally understood. I may not agree, because I don’t get hung up on those details. I suppose I just don’t take take fictional happenings of any sort too terribly seriously at all. He’s not wrong for it; we just came to understand we take in and process some things very differently. We weigh various elements differently.
(Another good example: GoT’s Red Wedding? Completely horrified at first, in three days I was fine and looking forward to next week’s episode.)
Too be honest, Sunset’s apology at the end felt like Trixie’s all over again. And Flash just would’ve been an excuse for fanfics and art work of the two to come out the woodwork like nopony’s business.
She said in her previous tweet that Twilight learned from EqG, and some bronies went nuts thinking that meant Dreamy Cutebottom and Sunset Shimmer and hyoomans were going to be in MLP:FiM. This tweet was a response to that.
Seriously, she could write a 2000-word journal about how EqG is canon in that it actually happened in-universe, but aside from Twilight learning a lesson about being a princess it’s not going to affect MLP:FiM, and some bronies would still find some phrase or word to panic over.
That’s probably more in regards to what people think canon means.
Canon is anything that has appeared onscreen. Continuity is what people are wondering about.
Meghan’s tweet was my understanding of how it all works.
MLP:FIM is a precious thing. I think it’s safe to say that we all love the show since we’re posting in a thread on a pony booru. People are just very passionate about the thing we all fell in love with, and I think some folks are really concerned about things going very…awry. That’s totally valid.
I mean, if none of us cared, I think no one would be posting. So, I take that as a good sign. We all care.
My hope is that some day we’ll look back on all of this and laugh! As much as I disagree with folks sometimes, I honestly just want to enjoy my ponies. It’s fun and cute and makes for a nice distraction after a horrible day at work.