Wait. Rarity gets up there because she mooched a flight spell off of Twilight, but Pinkie, who has made her own flying machine as well as piloting the Twinkling Balloon on multiple occasions, stays on the ground?
this is one of my MOST hated part of this community/Fandom where a brony hates innocent character, and it DEEPLY frustrates me [I know this is the fucking internet -_-] {and one of those “All pony is best pony” and I do NOT say there’s a WORST pony, that would make me sound like a hater of the show}
…AJ knows the location of flying plants (IDW comic, issue #3). Of course, said flying plants are carnivorous monsters, but nopony’s perfect…
I’m no expert, but doesn’t the electrical charge need to be able to reach the ground for lightning to occur? Otherwise, y’know, planes would get hit a lot.