Okay, yes. Zecora was an…odd choice. (Though I do believe that Zecora was supposed to be a mentor figure to the main six, but they scrapped that idea.) Getting Luna to come and fix it, would have shortened the episode. Unless Trixie had another card up her sleeve. You also need to remember Twilight can teleport. Given that, maybe less then an hour to get Luna. Though I don’t hate Twilight for any of that. I’ve grown to….tolerate her stupid moments.
They don’t have the Elements on hoof. Celestia has them. She wouldn’t give them up to the main six until a few episodes later, what with Discord running around.
Well, how about the fact that it’s pretty much the exact same thing Trixie was run out of town for in season 1? Or that Twilight completely forgot about the Elements of Harmony (you know, the six infinitely powerful magical artifacts most commonly used to imprison gods?)? Or that Twilight, who’s supposedly the rational character, didn’t think to contact Luna for assistance? Canterlot’s, what, three hours by hoof?
Well Trixie was evil. So I don’t think bad about it. (Though I kept questioning why didn’t Twilight just go full on and battle Trixie. Twilight’s been shown to have a lot of power. She flipped the whole library because she was agitated and let’s not forget the incident with the Ursa Minor.
Honestly, Twilight does some stupid things sometimes. I still love the character, but she tends to not pick the more logical route to solve a problem.)
I loved the episode. It was good, solid, and flowed well. (Actually, I don’t hate any episode.
My least favorite was ‘Games Ponies Play’ and I just felt it was a whole lot of ‘meh’.)
I do find it a bit ironic when people complain about “Magic Duel,” and claim it was only made to “pander” to Trixie-fans, or bronies. (In fact, CR claims that’s the only reason he hated that episode.)
According to the writer of it on Twitter, the episode was actually originally submitted in January 2011, back when Season 1 wasn’t even halfway airing, before the brony-fandom became well-known, (or Trixie’s popularity) and while they were working on Season 2.
It was originally intended to be a S2 episode, but got pushed back.
Some people are rather ignorant to how long it takes to produce a half-hour cartoon episode.