Neko Majin C
Twilight's Westley
"Oh great, that is just what I need. Mares who are friends, but not mare friends. EIt is every stallions' dream, but it is my reality. All my good mares who are friends are all falling in love and pairing up with stallions who are not me. And I get to hear how much they are in love with these stallions who are not me. I am SOOOOOOOO blessed. Please, tell me all about Greg, and how great of a colt friend he is. Oh, right it is Gray. All my mares who are friends trust me enough to confide in me and complain about the silly foibles and eccentricities their beloved colt friends have. They also love to gush over how much they love when their colt friends spoil and dote on them. They are not bragging, they are just so in love with these stallions who are not me. Thank you, Starlight. I am so glad that I have so many mares who are friends, but not mare friends who love me, but are not IN love with me. Go efuckf yourself, Starlight."