Have we seen any big cities in great detail other than the Unicorn-dominated Canterlot? How can we say that Earth Ponies are all commoners and all Unicorns are nobles if we haven’t seen anything of their whole culture. Heck, Trixie has effectively been shown to be a traveling show-pony, not exactly the profession of a noble.
But what does that have to do with why an earth pony can’t be sly and cunning, who said earth ponies are only commoner, in fact there is Aunt and Uncle Orange, rice earth ponies and last I checked that doesn’t mean commoner.
it’s not. It’s just that most people assume that all Earth Ponies are commoners, despite there being more self-made millionaire Earth Ponies so far then there have been Self-made Unicorns.
Commoner as in lower class, mostly earth ponies. A non-commoner would be a well educated pony usually seen in high places. Mostly unicorns.
Townsponies in many episodes are shown reacting to situations in rather childlike manner, and when talked usually sound a little…impaired. Maybe its just the way they are written, but they all seem very flat and static to me.
You should meet my old class mate form Mad Science Academy, Dr. No-hoof.
“THE MOST EVIL EARTH PONY IN THE WORLD!” or so it’s saying on the doc’s business card.