Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Aasha on image #3409684

Wallet After Summer Sale -
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[@Just Wayne](/images/3409684#comment_10972209)
It's not unusual for people to be afraid of things that are new and different. especially when those different things are unfortunate enough to get wrapped up into politics where almost everyone is already ride-or-die on one side or the other. We're still in that stage where the first generations of - essentially - a new world order are mixing together with the old world order. It's natural they'll have a conflict of ideas. Granted, sometimes they'll word their ideas strongly, but it doesn't mean they won't eventually come around. We're not asking to borrow a pencil, we're asking them to re-contextualize a concept that has been set in their head their whole life.
No reason given
Edited by Aasha