Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #115C on image #3397872

Background Pony #115C
[@Background Pony \#3CD9](/images/3397872#comment_10955573)
[@Algebroot Neogears](/images/3397872#comment_10957721)
Huh? It has reverted back to this thumbnail.
I swear I also saw a completely different one last time I checked the link just after [BP#0A11's comment](/images/3397872#comment_10955357) (said visual had different characters, an abstract background in pastel colors, no MS Paint mangling, and "4 hours" written inside a circle in a corner).
What could've happened (and why didn't I think of grabbing a screencap then)?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #115C