@Background Pony #E8F8
The reason the southern states left was that a candidate with open abolitionist sympathies earned a clean majority in the electoral college despite being on the ballot in exactly zero of their states. The 1860 election was a 4-way race with two parallel campaigns in the slave states and free states.
It’s true that the Union didn’t start fighting with the intention of freeing slaves. However, it turns out that abolitionism served dual purposes: not only was it good PR in the international English-speaking press but it also ensured the rebels couldn’t build up their wealth to pull that stunt a second time. Excellent way to dunk on them (and cause good in the process).
@Background Pony #4236
Is this what they mean when they protest teaching CRT to our fillies about the War of Northern Aggression? Why did the Crystal Empire get involved in the first place?
My Little Pony lasted longer than your “country” did. Start a war to protect slavery, get your face beat into the ground so hard that 200 years later you’re still a sore loser about it.