💖 More sillies 💖
Let’s start with Glass Cannon… Despite her young appearance, Glass Cannon is a fully grown adult mare and is pretty much older than almost anypony she has ever talked to. She is very strong and can cause a lot of damage, but her heart can’t take even the slightest of offense. One time, her little brother had told her some mean things… It didn’t end so well for him and his friends. She has a unique horn that is a golden yellow, unlike the rest of her body’s coat.
Then we have Rokuro Ryo (or Ryo Rokuro if we want to be accurate). A bitter pony who used to be a part of a gang. He had no interest in magic in the past but was recently found studying spells for an unclear reason. He had lost his eye during an incident that caused the downfall of his gang, he refuses to elaborate more information as to how that happened, but was okay enough to explain that he had put some sort of illusion spell on his eye to hide what it actually looked like.
Last but not least, Miss Teri, probably the most mysterious out of the three (for good reason, I’m so punni). She is a fish loving mare and her love for anchovies is well known among ponies who see her from time to time. Nopony knows where came from, and they don’t seem to care about her. She does like going on incredibly dangerous adventures that risk her life.