Viewing last 25 versions of comment by IzzyMoonbow_444 on image #3212839


Piano Pony Player
[@Background Pony \#D23A](/images/3212839#comment_10691579)
I think it's good. You've done a really good effort with your art and you were brave enough to post your art to Derpibooru, however if you improve your art, you don't have to if you can't improve but if you do, you'll probably get more upvotes. Your art is impressive! Better than my art because I'm rubbish. *I'm 16 years old and I draw like a 4 year old kid.*
^Apologies if I offend you but there shouldn't be anything I said offensive and sorry I was 8 months late for FiM's 13th anniversary.^
No reason given
Edited by IzzyMoonbow_444