Background Pony #3629
[@Background Pony \#5483](/images/3185856#comment_10645907)
It really wasn't clickbait. The reason why people feared about its cancellation is because Hasbro didn't say anything about the future of G5 for 2024 and beyond. And also mentioning that TYT will be "ONE & ONLY PONABLE CONTENT SERIES". That's why it brought up this big scare among a lot, especially G5 fans.
It really wasn't clickbait. The reason why people feared about its cancellation is because Hasbro didn't say anything about the future of G5 for 2024 and beyond. And also mentioning that TYT will be "ONE & ONLY PONABLE CONTENT SERIES". That's why it brought up this big scare among a lot, especially G5 fans.