Background Pony #8E41
Upon closer observation, Izzy’s more of a handyman (er, handygirl) with those tools. Note the wrench, safety goggles (for drilling) and earmuffs (for using a powered saw).
Background Pony #8E41
Izzy looks like a fashionable apprentice mechanic and Sunny looks straight up like a 70/80s California beach town babe.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Cutest Pegasus in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

Rainbow love Dash life
Nope this doesn’t have nsfw version…. Oh cmon!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Speaking Fancy - Badge given to members that help with translations
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Ten years of changes - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of MLP:FiM!
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Cutest Pegasus in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

Rainbow love Dash life
This gotta have patreon version…
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant

Freaking good, how do I miss this one?
Your Greatly New-Gen Date!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

They’re ready for the day!
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Hard Work - Merited Perfect Pony Plot Provider badge with only their own art
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Love the outfits
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

Personal space invader
the girls you want to hang out around
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Gold Supporter - Gold Supporter
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

I miss Niko...
Kind of wish there is an outfit like that for pony Izzy too.
Background Pony #044A
I’m so glad to see veteran artists like Uotapo drawing the new gen characters.
Playful Wings
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Artist -

They look so cute as humans! great work! Still will always preffer ponies in my heart
Background Pony #87E7
Engineer Izzy and Salesgirl Sunny?
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

#1 Sweetie-Do-Well fan
This is honestly the best thing to come out of G5 outside of Sunny’s song in the movie.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

Un estilo fenomenal y lindas amigas 0w0
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
Artist -

Your Life is Your Canvas
Great job
Miraculous Dash
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant

Brony Miraculer
Uotapo once again did not fail to amaze us…
Love their artwork! ❤️
Applejack - For Patreon supporters
Rarijack - Derpi Supporter
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

I love G5
Cuuuute!! 😍
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Artist -
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Hi girls!
Background Pony #153B
I hope, Posey and Windy is next.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Artist -

Oh god, perfect drawing
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Izzy’s the perfect little artisan with those working clothes and goggles. And Sunny’s looking pretty sporty.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Megalomaniacal toaster
Well, that’s one way to stay limber.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

They’re both so adorable
Twiny Dust
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Artist -
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).

NLR's Bodyguard
Ahh cutie! ❤️
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Champion - Earned the rank of one of the most decorated Solar Empire generals, crushing New Lunar Republic in many battles (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.

in love with fluttershy
Wow 💛✨
they look beautiful