[stares intently towards the camera]
Notice: Guest comic submissions are still open until this arc is finished! Guidelines
DM: With fury giving focus, Twilight teleports again, this time exactly where she wants to go. To face Tirek head-on. Roll for Initiative… I guess. I’ll be honest, I’ve been trying to come up with a smooth, fun way to balance the math in the back of my head this whole time. I’ve got nothing. There’s nothing in the book to handle this kind of major power jump. And my last major gimmick fight didn’t… go over so well, so I’m a little wary of my own judgment when it comes to designing battles.
Discord: Your love of inventing new game mechanics continues to this day, I see. And continues to hoist you by your own petard.
DM: Yeah… pretty much.
Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I just had a really good idea! It’s real simple, too! We’re dealing with enough magical power that Twi and Tirek can just do whatever they want, right? What if we just… describe what they do? And if we all agree that it makes sense, that’s what happens!
Rainbow Dash: Well, I WAS looking forward to rolling ALL the dice…
Applejack: Nothin’ stoppin’ us from rollin’ all the dice. We could describe an attack and say it deals X d12s or somethin’ Ah’m okay with tossin’ out the rulebook and jus’ playin’ in the theater of the mind this one time.
DM: What do you think?
Discord: It’s your table. You can all play it by ear if you want to. It’s not like some magical shadow council of D&D arbiters is watching, ready to drop from the ceiling and judge you.
DM: You know, when you say it like that… I get this weird feeling.
Discord: No one claimed this wasn’t a strange hobby.