a ship thats cannon in mlp in my nextgen??? more likely than you think!!! i think theyre cute :) Sugar Belle and Apple Butter’s relationship plays out like it does in cannon, and shortly after their wedding, two very wonderful things happen. Sugar Belle ends up pregnant, and Apple Butter comes out as a trans woman. Its a very exciting and transitional time for them, and by the time their son is born, Butters has started HRT and living as a mare, so both their children have only ever known their mother as her true self.
Their son, Apple Syrup, is a sweet and shy boy who is known to everyone as one of the kindest ponies in Ponyville. He finds his special talent very young, having a knack for making candies and sugary sweets from apples. Sugar Belle couldn’t be prouder. And while he is skilled in the kitchen, he is a farming prodigy. He is incredibly smart and makes very detailed and efficient schedules and systems for running the farm with maximum yield and profit, all before he turns 15. His younger sister, Apple Turnover, is more than happy to pawn her chores off to him, preferring to go hang out with Flower Power at the edge of the Everfree. Her special talent of baking is Sugar Belle’s greatest accomplishment. Turnover’s skill at making pastry is like none other, and she works for the Cakes making their pies and tarts.
When Azalea, Applejack’s eldest, rejects her inheritance and runs away to the crystal empire, the entire family is unsure of what to do. When Apple Syrup, who has started going by the nickname ‘Big Sugar’ due to his enormous size, says that he wishes to inherit the farm in his cousin’s stead, Apple Butter and Sugar Belle are beyond proud. Their beloved son is perfect for the role, and takes to it like a fish in water. Applejack takes him under her wing, and shows him all there is to know about running the farm. Apple Turnover is just happy that she is free to live as she pleases and work for the Cakes.