Background Pony #1F7A
@Background Pony #1F7A
- [Meanwhile, Marlin and Spike are being dropped in a fish tank in a room of an aquarium]
- Marlin: Where are we?
- Spike: I don’t know.
- Marlin: Nemo? Dory? Gill?
- Spike: Your son and friends aren’t here, Marlin.
- Marlin: Oh, yeah. But they have to find us, and fast!
- Spike: This better not be a restaurant. Or otherwise, we’d get eaten!
- [A group of kids show up and look at the duo. They’re amazed by them]
- Kid #1: Look at the fish!
- Kid #2: Wow!
- Kid #3: Awesome!
- [Other kids continue to talk]
- Marlin: And this had just became a nightmare. But in real life. Man, I’m in a freak-show.
- Spike: Yeah. I know, Marlin.
- Marlin: I wish this could just stop. Otherwise, these people will annoy me for the rest of my life.
- [A 17-year-old teenage boy comes through the open door]
- Marlin: Uh-oh! Someone’s coming. Be quiet, Spike, OK?
- Spike: OK.
- [The boy notices them]
- Boy: Oh, hello there. What are you two talking about?
- Marlin: Huh?
- Spike: Who are you?
- Boy: I’m Oliver.
- Marlin: I coulda sworn… Impossible!
- Oliver: I heard you. I’m a fauna-whisper.
- Both: What?!
- Marlin: That’s also impossible!
- Spike: How’d you do that?
- Oliver: OK, guys, here’s the reason why I can talk to animals. I got a brain injury in a car crash, which killed my parents. When I got out of the car, an animal spoke to me. A falcon. I can now understand and talk to animals. However, I still suffer from seizures and headaches.
- Marlin: Huh. I understand.
- Spike: Me, too. Not bad.
- Oliver: So, guys, why are you here?
- Marlin: So, Oliver, I need to find my long-lost wife, a clownfish named Coral. Yesterday, while my son, Nemo, was at school, I found some clues.
- Oliver: Don’t worry. There’s a bunch of clownfish in the Coral Reef exhibit.
- Marlin: Huh? Wait a minute, “exhibit”?
- Oliver: Yup. This is an aquarium. The National Aquarium of New Zealand, the greatest place on Earth.
- Marlin: Phew! I’m glad it’s not a restaurant. Or otherwise, I’d get eaten.
- Oliver: Look, I’ll help you. I’ll get you to your missing wife at the Coral Reef exhibit, OK?
- Marlin: OK.
- [Oliver picks up a bucket filled with water]
- Oliver: Jump in!
- Marlin: OK, Oliver. Come on, Spike.
- [Marlin and Spike jump into the bucket]
- Oliver: Oh, by the way, I didn’t catch your name.
- Marlin: I’m Marlin, and this is Spike.
- Oliver: Huh. Cool name.
- Spike: You can say that again!
- Oliver: Shh! The visitors in the aquarium will hear you.
- Spike: Sorry.
- Marlin: Now, let’s go find Coral.
- Oliver: Alright, Marlin, but first, I need to disguise myself as a staff member so I won’t get caught, and I’ll get the bucket where you need to get to. OK?
- Marlin: OK.