1.Thank you for having a great relationship with me.
2.Please believe that I am more amazing.It is a matter of course.
3.Don’t forget that I have wings and that I am more amazing.
4. I will not listen to what you say.You should listen because I’m more amazing.
5.Please talk to me a lot.I don’t want to hear it, but I know you’re praising me.
6. don’t hit me.Please do not forget that I am more amazing without having to seriously put out.
7. Even if I get older, I’m more amazing.
8. You have a school and a friend.But I have fans.
9.I can only fly for about 10 years.But, I’m more amazing.
10.When you are gone, please.And please remember.That I was much more amazing.
(Source: 10 Commandments of Rainbow Dash)