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I think this is the best argument that will break people’s brains.
I already know what you’re thinking “Hurr some of those ponies weren’t evil. They’re misguided.” Right. So if they weren’t evil and only misguided… Why is Sprout evil?
Artist -

They were no threat, and he knew it. When told they didn’t have any magic (the entire source of their danger as taught by his mother and everyone else), he believed it, but instead of reconsidering his plan, he was excited because now he could crush them without any resistance.
That’s because he considers the unicorns as the enemy. When is it evil to defeat your enemies so they won’t threaten your home? Do you remember what Hitch said during the campfire scene? “Is it smart to give our enemies back their magic?” Even Hitch was thinking the same thing that Sprout was. So how come only Sprout is evil and not Hitch?
Also why do they have documentation of changelings when they don’t even have documentation of 2/3 of their own species?
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

They were no threat, and he knew it. When told they didn’t have any magic (the entire source of their danger as taught by his mother and everyone else), he believed it, but instead of reconsidering his plan, he was excited because now he could crush them easier.
Also, Chrysalis is a bad example because she had already attacked the ponies herself in multiple recent and well-documented events. In comparison, no one in Maretime Bay seems to have even seen a unicorn or earth pony in generations before Izzy, and only have fairy tales left (even Sunny wasn’t completely sure where tbe unicorns lived until Izzy confirmed it). The only unicorn or pegasus any of them had encountered was… Izzy, who did absolutely nothing of note while in town.
I’m not saying he’s going to be punished, or that he even needs to be punished (as long as he realises his mistake), but to say he wasn’t doing worse things than the ponies in those examples is just false.
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@Background Pony #B8A5
When is “going on the offense” bad intentions? He was protecting his town by eliminating the threat. If you replaced the unicorns with black changelings loyal to Chrysalis, would “going on the offense” still be bad intentions?
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Not a Trap
Sprout I think acted out of fear of the unknown, living in fear for so long might not be that good, and having a “Karen” mom that just shoved him into that position was bad too, I think Sprout can be forgiven but it will take time and also I think he is not a bad Pony just misguided and filled with fear that he was not looking what he was doing to his friends. I think Sprout could be reformed/forgiven because I think he will learn from his mistake, but he does not need to be punished for it but help rebuild the lighthouse and know that friends will always be there for you
Background Pony #B8A5
He was on the offense. Sprout was taking the machine to Bridlewood. Granted, I don’t think Sprout would kill anyone (it’s a kids show about talking ponies after all) but he definitely had bad intentions out of fear and ignorance.
@Background Pony #572D
If Sprout doesn’t deserve reform, neither do Discord or Starlight
Artist -

When is it malicious to want to protect your town? He was only doing what Argyle told Sunny. “Always stand up for what you believe in.” Why is it right for Sunny to stand up for what she believed in while its wrong for Sprout?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

The others either had good intentions that went wrong or were compromised by some magic woo woo they didn’t expect.
Sprout was acting out of sheer malice.
Artist -

@Background Pony #572D
Posted it in one thread. I’ll post it here too.
The town won’t hate him. Anyone who thinks he will get punished isn’t old enough to remember all the horrible things Twilight and her friends did that nealy destroyed Ponyville but no pony gave a crap.
Twi enchanting a doll to make ponies go crazy over it. Spike destroying the town as a giant dragon. Cmcs drugging Cheerilee and Big Mac. Pinkie Pie and the mirror pool. Rarity turning Ponyville into crystal because of a dark magic book. There’s probably several others but you get the idea.
Sprout threw goop at randos and destroyed a lighthouse. That’s it. A big nothing burger compared to what other ponies did before.
Background Pony #AF38
Sprout: I’m sorry… I… I never wanted to hurt anypony…
Background Pony #572D
Sprout doesn’t deserve reform