She has that look on her face again… What’s she planning? I’d be worried if I were you.
Yeah, another picture of dubious quality from me. I haven’t been feeling very well lately.
This is based on a sketch by Barhandar. I’m not entirely happy with how it came out, but a lot of my friends have suggested I focus on getting more practice by means of drawing more pictures, rather than trying to perfect one picture. In particular, the background isn’t great. It’s meant to be abstract, like she’s looking over a city at night from high up.
Well, I’ve tried at least, that’s all I really ask of anyone else, so I can’t be too hard on myself. I will not stop practicing and improving until I’m able to render this beautiful creature in her truest beauty. I think my next pic will be a bit less ambitious than the previous two, and I’ll probably work on improving techniques for doing the stars in her mane.
Constructive criticism welcome in the comments.