And as been stated beforehand on other works, Twilight was able to reach out to others that had done far worse to Equestria and came out on top:All that Cozy did on her own in Season 8 was simply trap Twilight Sparkle and her friends in Tartarus for a short time and+__"nearly"+__ got rid of all Magic from Equestria, and was sentenced to Tartarus for it.
Compare that punishment to Tempest Shadow; who had spearheaded the invasion of Mount Aris_*and_* Equestria, enslaved her own people and trapped The Royal Sisters and the Imperial Princess in stone for three days with the intent on stealing their magic in a ritual to empower The Storm King who planned on world conquest, which almost happened. All she got afterwards was a slap-on-the-wrist.
Correct me if I'm wrong here_*amigo,_* but shouldn't the punishments be reversed instead? Either Twilight is racist towards Pegasi who she believes are beyond redemption, or she and the Princesses only keep Tempest Shadow outside of Tartarus because she is useful to them. I don't know which reasoption is worse...
And as been stated beforehand on other works, Twilight was able to reach out to others that had done far worse to Equestria and came out on top:All that Cozy did on her own in Season 8 was simply trap Twilight Sparkle and her friends in Tartarus for a short time and
Compare that punishment to Tempest Shadow; who had spearheaded the invasion of Mount Aris
Correct me if I'm wrong here