Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #3E34 on image #2585718

Background Pony #3E34
"[@Background Pony #15EC":](/images/2585718#comment_9586557
How is this at all unfair? Cozy Glow tried to destroy a critical component of the world they live in for her own selfish gain, and was duly punished for it. Then she had utterly no concern, repentance, or even understanding of why her actions would have hurt everyone, and tried to do her whole take-over-the-world thing all over again with equally complete disregard for hurting everyone, and was, accordingly, punished again.
What does "fair" even mean anymore if _*this_* is what qualifies as unfair? How does doing the perfectly reasonable thing "sabotage" the characters? I feel like you just want the characters to agree with you, or be doormats who exist for the purposes of being the puppets of the feel-good story you want to see, instead of having agency and being people with motivations and perspectives you have to actually think about a little bit.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3E34