Jupiter Sky and Dawn Star have been quite close friends since they were pretty much born. They’ve grown up in a bustling world of royalty, magic, and teamwork. While Starlight and Sunburst were gifted their own section of the castle as their home, the two families often found themselves having breakfast and planning their day together. The pair have shared many a long conversation on the Friendship Express, on their way to either Canterlot or the Crystal Empire.
While Jupiter’s friendship-making skills aren’t as strong as his companion’s, he still is heavily encouraging of her in his own ways. Dawn’s magic is obviously far weaker than his, but he celebrates all of her accomplishments, despite their size. In turn, she celebrates each of his, and highly admires Jupiter’s intelligence and dedication to his study of astronomy. While sometimes the ways they feel is best to achieve their goals isn’t always exactly the same, and they both have a lot of learning and growing to do, these two will always work to look out for one another.