Stop poking/fixing/researching/reveal-the-behind-the-scenes to most of my unique comments including that unique comment you are replying (especially even also on my "First Comment is ME, NOT You" movement), they are NOT allowed to be poked/fixed/researched/reveal-their-behind-the-scenes and must be private from being revealed forever. Also, that unique comment is also a part of this:
> I will NOT post my comments on 2nd-3rd place anymore for now on every pics in this site, the reason why I don’t like that is because I've felt this is too lonely and don't work well on my usual activity, unlike my past comments from 2014-2017.
> This is always happened to me until now, if someone finally beats me on commenting (within the timeline) to a pic that fits my expression and my likeness, then I had to wait for several days/weeks/months (also avoiding getting banned or ban evasion) until a second comment from another user appeared in that pic, followed by even more users came in to comment on that pic till the comment number is in a large amount, if it's crowded, I can freely comment that pic without any problems, unless if a notification of that targeted pic appeared on My Notifications (e.g Pic with 14 comments in one row or a featured image)
> Here's my ratio chances on commenting:
> **Pics with the comment section empty** = Reserved.
> **Pics with one comment** = In most extreme rare chances, but NO for rest of the days, most of my 2nd Place comments will have a linked reply to the first commenter, gonna wait till the pic with one comment being filled with even large amount of comments (e.g 50 and more) posted.
> **Pics with two comments** = Reserved ONLY IF the 2nd commenter is replying to the 1st commenter, if is not, then won't post there and wait till it is filled with a large amount of comments (e.g 50 and more) posted.
> **Pics with three comments** = Same as above, but in one discussion (e.g 1st commenter gets a reply by 2nd and 3rd commenters and vice-versa), can be also extreme rare reserved if something urgent going on.
> **Pics with comments on a continuously replies** = Reserved, but WON'T reserved if its half-replied (e.g one comment doesn't have a reply link, while other comments featured reply links in one discussion), except for extremely rare urgent situations.
> **Pics with large amount of comments (e.g 50 comments and more)** = Mostly Reserved, this is the MOST common target that I've focused on.[/bq]
Stop poking/fixing/researching/reveal-the-behind-the-scenes to most of my unique comments including that unique comment you are replying (especially even also on my "First Comment is ME, NOT You" movement), they are NOT allowed to be poked/fixed/researched/reveal-their-behind-the-scenes and must be private from being revealed forever. Also, that unique comment is also a part of this:
> I will NOT post my comments on 2nd-3rd place anymore for now on every pics in this site, the reason why I don’t like that is because I've felt this is too lonely and don't work well on my usual activity, unlike my past comments from 2014-2017.
> This is always happened to me until now, if someone finally beats me on commenting (within the timeline) to a pic that fits my expression and my likeness, then I had to wait for several days/weeks/months (also avoiding getting banned or ban evasion) until a second comment from another user appeared in that pic, followed by even more users came in to comment on that pic till the comment number is in a large amount, if it's crowded, I can freely comment that pic without any problems, unless if a notification of that targeted pic appeared on My Notifications (e.g Pic with 14 comments in one row or a featured image)
> Here's my ratio chances on commenting:
> **Pics with the comment section empty** = Reserved.
> **Pics with one comment** = In most extreme rare chances, but NO for rest of the days, most of my 2nd Place comments will have a linked reply to the first commenter, gonna wait till the pic with one comment being filled with even large amount of comments (e.g 50 and more) posted.
> **Pics with two comments** = Reserved ONLY IF the 2nd commenter is replying to the 1st commenter, if is not, then won't post there and wait till it is filled with a large amount of comments (e.g 50 and more) posted.
> **Pics with three comments** = Same as above, but in one discussion (e.g 1st commenter gets a reply by 2nd and 3rd commenters and vice-versa), can be also extreme rare reserved if something urgent going on.
> **Pics with comments on a continuously replies** = Reserved, but WON'T reserved if its half-replied (e.g one comment doesn't have a reply link, while other comments featured reply links in one discussion), except for extremely rare urgent situations.
> **Pics with large amount of comments (e.g 50 comments and more)** = Mostly Reserved, this is the MOST common target that I've focused on.