Princess Celestia (pre-Luna)

This is a serious high-level admin discussion going on here.

See, there’s one problem there: I’ve seen horses rolling on the ground, and it doesn’t look like that.
I think what we are actually seeing here is what I will henceforth refer to as a Pinkie Shuffle (it was either that, or upside-down worm shuffle).
Clover the Clever
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
A Perfectly Normal Pony - <@CloverTheClever> I'd pay to see Carcer in a fursuit
Always Codes Drunk - It explains a lot
From the Night - I have technically banned myself a bunch of times...
Since the Beginning  - User number zero

Lord and Saviour
Horses often roll around in the ground to scratch their backs - it’s a natural thing for them to do. (Of course, it’s also tons of fun if the horse you happen to be riding at the time decides it really could use a back scratch…). As for the stretch and leaping into the distance, that’s all Pinkie.

I did try and figure out what in Equestria it is she’s doing, but then I remembered that it’s Pinkie. Expecting things she does to make sense was rather silly of me.